P3 Agreements
- Exhibit A - Definitions
- Exhibit B - Project Description
- Exhibit D - Form of Technical Support Agreement
- Exhibit F - Toll Rates
- Exhibit H - Operation and Maintenance Requirements and Extraordinary Maintenance and Repair Work
- Exhibit I - Consent to Assignment
- Exhibit J - List of Initial Project Financing Agreements
- Exhibit K - Life Cycle Maintenance Model
- Exhibit L - Depiction of Airport Connector Road
- Exhibit M - Unallowable Operating Costs Applicable to the Operator
- Exhibit A: Definitions
- Exhibit AA: Labor, Employment and DBE/SWAM Related Matters
- Exhibit B1: Project Description and Scope Documentation
- Exhibit B2: Initial Baseline Schedule
- Exhibit B3: Initial 395 Baseline Schedule
- Exhibit B3a: Initial Fred Ex Baseline Schedule
- Exhibit B3b: Initial Opitz Boulevard Ramp Baseline Schedule
- Exhibit B3c: Initial Seminary Road Ramp Baseline Schedule
- Exhibit B4: Scope of Early Work
- Exhibit B5: Scope of 395 Early Work
- Exhibit B6: Scope of Fred Ex Early Work
- Exhibit BB1: 395 Financial Close Adjustment Protocol
- Exhibit BB2: Fred Ex Additional Financial Close Model Adjustment Protocol
- Exhibit C1: 95 Technical Requirements
- Exhibit C1 1.3
- Exhibit C1 1.5a
- Exhibit C1 1.5b
- Exhibit C1 1.5c
- Exhibit C1 1.9
- Exhibit C1 1.10
- Exhibit C1 3.4
- Exhibit C1 3.5a
- Exhibit C1 3.5b
- Exhibit C1 3.11
- Exhibit C1 3.15a
- Exhibit C1 3.15b
- Exhibit C1 3.15c
- Exhibit C2: STE Technical Requirements
- Exhibit C3: 395 Technical Requirements
- Exhibit C3 1.0a
- Exhibit C3 1.0b
- Exhibit C3 1.0c
- Exhibit C3 1.0d
- Exhibit C3 1.0e
- Exhibit C3 1.3
- Exhibit C3 1.5a
- Exhibit C3 1.5c
- Exhibit C3 1.8
- Exhibit C3 1.9
- Exhibit C3 1.10
- Exhibit C3 3.4a
- Exhibit C3 3.4b
- Exhibit C3 3.8
- Exhibit C3 3.9a
- Exhibit C3 3.9b
- Exhibit C3 3.9c
- Exhibit C3 3.9d
- Exhibit C3 3.11
- Exhibit C3 3.15
- Exhibit C4: I-95/395 O&M Technical Requirements
- Exhibit C4 4.1
- Exhibit C4 4.3
- Exhibit C4 4.5
- Exhibit C4 4.6a
- Exhibit C4 4.6b1
- Exhibit C4 4.6b2
- Exhibit C4 4.6b3
- Exhibit C4 4.6b4
- Exhibit C4 4.6b5
- Exhibit C4 4.6b6
- Exhibit C4 4.6b7
- Exhibit C4 4.6b8
- Exhibit C4 4.6b9
- Exhibit C4 4.6c
- Exhibit C4 Contract
- Exhibit C5: Fred Ex Technical Requirements
- Exhibit C5 1.0
- Exhibit C5 1.3
- Exhibit C5 1.5a
- Exhibit C5 1.5c
- Exhibit C5 1.10
- Exhibit C5 3.4a
- Exhibit C5 3.4b
- Exhibit C5 3.9a
- Exhibit C5 3.9b
- Exhibit C6: Opitz Boulevard Ramp Technical Requirements
- Exhibit C6 1.0
- Exhibit C6 3.4a
- Exhibit C6 3.4b
- Exhibit C7: Seminary Road Ramp Technical Requirements
- Exhibit C7 1.0
- Exhibit CC: Project Right of Way Acquisition
- Exhibit D: Form of Fourth Amended and Restated Escrow Agreement
- Exhibit DD: Toll Sections
- Exhibit E: Form of Design-Build Contract
- Exhibit EE: Map of Eads Street Component and Pentagon Improvements
- Exhibit F: Form of Design-Build Work Guarantee
- Exhibit FF: Design Documentation and Construction Documentation for the STE Requiring Concessionaire Review
- Exhibit G: USDOT Reporting Requirements for TIFIA
- Exhibit GG: Form of STE Design-Build Contract
- Exhibit H: TIFIA Requirements
- Exhibit HH: Form of 395 Design-Build Contract
- Exhibit I: Form of O&M Agreement
- Exhibit I Amendment 1
- Exhibit I Amendment 2
- Exhibit II: Form of 395 TTMS Contract
- Exhibit J1: Permit Fee
- Exhibit J2: Gross Toll Share Payments
- Exhibit J2b
- Exhibit JJ: Form of Fred Ex Design-Build Contract
- Exhibit K: Form of Electronic Toll Collection Agreement
- Exhibit K A
- Exhibit K E
- Exhibit KK: Form of Fred Ex TTMS Contract
- Exhibit L: Form of Violation Processing Services Agreement
- Exhibit L Amendment 1
- Exhibit L Amendment 2
- Exhibit LL1: Form of Opitz Boulevard Ramp Construction Contract
- Exhibit LL2: Form of Opitz Boulevard Ramp TMS Contract
- Exhibit M: Toll MOU
- Exhibit MM: Form of Seminary Road Ramp Construction Contract
- Exhibit N: Public Funds Amount Payment Terms
- Exhibit O: List of Initial Project Financing Agreements, 395 Project Financing Agreements, Fred Ex Project Financing Agreements, 2022 Project Financing Agreements, Opitz Boulevard Ramp Project Equity Contribution Agreement and Financing Assignments
- Exhibit P: Annual Transit Investment
- Exhibit Q1: Forms of Payment and Performance Bonds
- Exhibit Q2: Forms of Fred Ex Payment and Performance Bonds
- Exhibit Q3: Forms of Opitz Boulevard Ramp Payment and Performance Bonds
- Exhibit R1: Amended and Restated Direct Agreement
- Exhibit R2: 395 Direct Agreement
- Exhibit R3: Fred Ex Direct Agreement
- Exhibit R4: Direct Agreement (Second ARCA)
- Exhibit R5: 395 Direct Agreement (Second ARCA)
- Exhibit R6: Form of Direct Agreement (Comprehensive Agreement)
- Exhibit R7: Form of Fred Ex Direct Agreement (Comprehensive Agreement)
- Exhibit S: Known Geotechnical Conditions
- Exhibit T: Known Pre-Existing Hazardous Substances
- Exhibit U: Federal Requirements
- Exhibit V: Turnover Plan
- Exhibit W: Non-Compliance Points Table
- Exhibit X: Shared Facilities Agreement
- Exhibit X Amendment 1
- Exhibit X Amendment 2
- Exhibit Y: Insurance Requirements
- Exhibit Z: Pentagon Reservation MOA
- Exhibit A: Definitions
- Exhibit B1A: Project Description (Original Project)
- Exhibit B1B: Project Description (NEXT Project)
- Exhibit B2: Map of HOT Lanes Project
- Exhibit B3: Map of Project Right of Way
- Exhibit B4: Initial Scope Document
- Exhibit B5: NEXT Scope Document
- Exhibit B6: 495 Ultimate Scope at DTR Interchange
- Exhibit C: Operations and Support Services Agreement
- Exhibit D: Form of Electronic Toll Collection Services Agreement
- Exhibit E: Joint Operating and Maintenance Protocols
- Exhibit F1: NEXT Modified Base Configuration Drawing
- Exhibit F2: Comparison Exhibit – Base Scope to Modified Base Configuration
- Exhibit F3: Areas of GWMP Interchange subject to additional Department approvals
- Exhibit G: Springing Provisions Related to TIFIA Loan
- Exhibit H1: List of Initial Project Financing Agreements
- Exhibit H2: List of NEXT Project Financing Agreements
- Exhibit I Part I: NEXT Design Build Contract
- Exhibit I Part II: Technical Requirements
- Exhibit I Part II: Attachment 1.0
- Exhibit I Part II: Attachment 1.3
- Exhibit I Part II: Attachment 1.5a
- Exhibit I Part II: Attachment 1.5b
- Exhibit I Part II: Attachment 1.5c
- Exhibit I Part II: Attachment 1.6
- Exhibit I Part II: Attachment 1.11a
- Exhibit I Part II: Attachment 1.11b
- Exhibit I Part II: Attachment 1.13
- Exhibit I Part II: Attachment 3.3
- Exhibit I Part II: Attachment 3.4a
- Exhibit I Part II: Attachment 3.4b
- Exhibit I Part II: Attachment 3.6
- Exhibit I Part II: Attachment 3.8
- Exhibit I Part II: Attachment 3.9a
- Exhibit I Part II: Attachment 3.9b
- Exhibit I Part II: Attachment 3.15a
- Exhibit I Part II: Attachment 3.15b
- Exhibit I Part II: Attachment 3.16a
- Exhibit I Part II: Attachment 3.16b
- Exhibit I Part II: Attachment 3.16c
- Exhibit J1: Original Completion Guaranty
- Exhibit J2: NEXT Completion Guaranty
- Exhibit K: Toll MOU
- Exhibit L: Permit Fee
- Exhibit M: Department Regulatory Approvals
- Exhibit N1: Technical Requirements – Original Project
- Exhibit N2: Technical Requirements – NEXT Project
- Exhibit N3: Technical Requirements – Operations and Maintenance
- Exhibit O-1: Initial Baseline Schedule
- Exhibit P: Format of Baseline Report
- Exhibit Q: VDOT Funding Agreement
- Exhibit R: EPD Escrow Agreement
- Exhibit S1: Initial Authorized Representatives
- Exhibit S2: Authorized Concessionaire Representatives
- Exhibit T: Non-Compliance Points
- Exhibit U1: Form of Direct Agreement
- Exhibit U2: Form of NEXT Direct Agreement
- Exhibit V: Forms of NEXT Payment Bonds and NEXT Performance Bonds
- Exhibit W: Federal Requirements
- Exhibit X: Labor, Employment and DBE/SWaM Related Matters
- Exhibit Y: Insurance Requirements for the NEXT Project
- Exhibit Z: Transit and Corridor Investment Payment
- Exhibit Z2: Excess Sharing Amount
- Exhibit A: Definitions
- Exhibit AA: Form of Legal Opinion
- Exhibit B1: Project Description
- Exhibit B3: Scope of Early Work
- Exhibit C: Technical Requirements
- Exhibit D: Form of Escrow Agreement
- Exhibit E: Required Terms of Design-Build Contract
- Exhibit F: Forms of Performance Security
- Exhibit G: USDOT Reporting Requirements
- Exhibit H: Assumed TIFIA Financial Terms
- Exhibit I: Required Terms of O&M Agreement
- Exhibit J: Permit Fee
- Exhibit J: Attachment J-5 - Revenue Sharing Payment Table
- Exhibit K: Form of Electronic Toll Collection Agreement
- Exhibit L: Form of Violation Processing Services Agreement
- Exhibit M: Reserved
- Exhibit N: List of Initial Project Financing Agreements and Financing Assignments
- Exhibit O: Transferred Project Assets
- Exhibit P: Benchmark Rates
- Exhibit Q: Form of Direct Agreement
- Exhibit R: Known Pre-Existing Hazardous Substances
- Exhibit S: Federal Requirements
- Exhibit T: Service Commencement Plan
- Exhibit U1: Construction Period Non-Compliance Points Table
- Exhibit U2: Operations Period Non-Compliance Points Table
- Exhibit V: Insurance Requirements
- Exhibit W: Labor, Employment and DBE/SWaM Related Matters
- Exhibit X: Financial Close Adjustment Protocol
- Exhibit Y: SIB Loan Process
- Exhibit Z: Early Work Payment Terms
- Exhibit A: Definitions
- Exhibit B1: Initial Baseline Schedule
- Exhibit B3: ROW Cost and Acquisition Baseline Schedule
- Exhibit B4: Permit Baseline Schedule
- Exhibit B5: Utility Baseline Schedule
- Exhibit B6: Scope of Early Work
- Exhibit B7: Additional Work Options
- Exhibit C: Technical Requirements
- Exhibit D: Escrow Agreement
- Exhibit F: Design-Build Work Guarantee
- Exhibit G: Form of Design-Build Letter of Credit
- Exhibit H: Assigned Gross Revenues and Refinancing Gain Share Calculation
- Exhibit I: Form of Electronic Toll Collection Agreement
- Exhibit J: Toll Rate Schedule
- Exhibit K: Form of Violations Processing Services Agreement
- Exhibit L: Cooperative Agreement
- Exhibit M: Public Funds Amount Payment Terms
- Exhibit N: Form of Direct Agreement
- Exhibit O: Baseline Asset Condition Report
- Exhibit P: Known Site Conditions Baseline Report
- Exhibit Q: Known Pre-Existing Hazardous Substances Report
- Exhibit R: Rehabilitation Plan
- Exhibit S: Fuel Adjustment Provisions
- Exhibit T: Turnover Plan
- Exhibit U: Base Case Structural Assets Major Maintenance Plan
- Exhibit V: Base Case Structural Assets Monitoring Plan
- Exhibit W: Non-Compliance Points Table
- Exhibit X: Force Account Provisions
- Exhibit Y: Insurance Requirements
- Exhibit Z: Dispute Resolution Provisions
- Exhibit AA: Labor, Employment and DBE/SWaM Related Matters
- Exhibit BB: Federal Requirements
- Amendment 1
- Amendment 2
- Amendment 3
- Amendment 4
- Amendment 5
- Amendment 6
- Amendment 7
- Amendment 8
- Amendment 9
- Exhibit 1: General Conditions Of Contract
- Exhibit 2: Technical Requirements
- Exhibit 3: Division I Amendments
- Exhibit 5: Early Work Scope Document
- Exhibit 7: Form Of Release Of All Claims
- Exhibit 8: U.S. Navy Requirements
- Exhibit 12: Required Insurance
- Exhibit 13: Form Of Performance Bond
- Exhibit 14: Form Of Payment Bond
- Exhibit 19: Department’s Governmental Approvals List
- Exhibit 21: Geotechnical Baseline Report
- Exhibit 23: DBE & SWaM Matters
- Exhibit 24: Form Of Escrow Agreement
- Exhibit 26: Federal Requirements